12th February 2025

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Love Wildlife 2023 Competition Winners

The first competition was run in February 2023. One big award of £1,000 was up for grabs as well as smaller amounts of £200 and £400.

Councillors chose the best applications on the basis of how well they will enhance habitats for wildlife, promote biodiversity and provide wider benefit to the community.

These are the winning entries from the February 2023 competition

Organisation name


Project Summary

Isebrook School


Enhance Woodland and Wetland Ecosystems

Southfield School for Girls


Develop a school pond on site

Grow Wild


Install nesting boxes for birds and bat boxes in trees along the Ise and clean up part of the river.

Bishop Stopford School


Create an outdoor space to promote biodiversity, bring back bees and encourage birds and provide a sensory Garden of Reflection.

Ise Valley Scout Group


Develop a wildlife garden at the Scout Hut, Grantown Way.

William Street Community Garden


Develop their existing community garden

Southend Allotment Association


Develop nesting bird habitats

Southend Allotment Association


Create a night garden for moths and bats

Kettering Womens Centre


Create a horticultural therapy space, Meadow Rd, Kettering

Southfield School - New pond

This is where it is going...

Pond development - the start of the pond...

The following steps are to fill the pond and add plants.

Pond development - the pond now has water and various pond plants, including a lily! The butterfly bank is in creation and is attracting various wildlife!

This is the completion of the Southfield School pond project – they are the first of the Love Wildlife projects to complete! Well done!

Mayor of Kettering, Cllr Emily Fedorowycz, opens the new pond

Mayor of Kettering, Cllr Emily Fedorowycz, opens the new pond

Bishop Stopford School new outdoor space

Ise Valley Scout Group

24 Cubs from Ise Valley Scout Group have spent the last 3 Monday evenings transforming the fire pit area at the rear of the hut from an overgrown, sad space that wasn't very nice to spend time in to a bee and butterfly friendly area that they can safely spend time in and enjoy observing the nature around them.

The large planter was weeded, filled with fresh peat- free compost and planted with bee and butterfly perennial plants that should grow and flower year after year. The cubs thoroughly enjoyed the project and have all taken ownership of a plant each and we're devising a watering rota for the holidays to ensure that they're kept looking amazing.

The group has also adopted a "no-mow" area of the garden where the weeds will be allowed to grow and scattered bee and butterfly seeds there to flower in the future. There are 100 children in the group in total as well as 12 adults who will regularly use and enjoy the space.

Isebrook School

Isebrook School was awarded £200 to enhance woodland and wetland ecosystems.

They have created a wildlife area and planted it with wild flower seeds, making the area a haven for butterflies and insects.

The school also purchased two trail cameras which were installed in the school grounds. The camera picked up footage of badges and foxes on the site and have enabled pupils to see the wildlife that comes to the school after everyone else has gone home.

William St Community Garden

Some recent improvements courtesy of the KTC Grant

Grow Wild - habitat improvement along the Ise Valley

Our groups have been busy constructing bird, bat, and swift boxes as part of our ongoing effort to support and enhance local wildlife habitats. The boxes are designed with specific dimensions to accommodate different species, taking into account their particular needs and preferences.

So far, we have successfully built six boxes and our aim is to construct at least another five. Once they are ready, we will be passing them on to Natural Ise, to be placed in optimal locations for our avian and bat friends to use.

This project has not only been of environmental significance but has also provided our members with an enriching and educational experience. They have enjoyed the opportunity to work with their hands, learn about different species, and understand how even small actions can contribute to the preservation of our natural world.

Kettering Womens Centre - Horticultural Therapy Space

The space before any work has started

The space before any work has started

Stage One

Stage One

Grow Wild

Grow Wild is building bat and bird boxes along the picturesque River Ise. These boxes not only support local wildlife but also empower participants to learn about conservation and craftsmanship.

Last updated: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:16