12th February 2025

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Services in Kettering for mental health support

Ring for support

For mental health support call 08004480828 - 24/7 support available for your mental health needs


Text for support

Text SHOUT to 85258

Local support services

Below is a list of all mental health support services available in Kettering. Please contact each provider directly for the latest information on opening hours and timings etc.


What they offer

When / where

Accommodation Concern

Housing, Debt and Benefits Advice, Food Parcels, Charity Applications for White Goods

Phone: 01536 416560
Email: help@a-c.org.uk
Website: https://www.accommodationconcern.co.uk/

Adult Learning

A range of courses including cookery, tech, creative skills, psychology and more.

Website: https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/adult-learning

Alcoholics Anonymous

The website has a "Chat Now" facility. Call for support or join local meetings.

Website:Find a Meeting | Alcoholics Anonymous - Great Britain

Local helpline: 01604 367788
National helpline, 24/7: 0800 9177650

Age UK Northamptonshire

Services and support for older people in Northants. Telephone befriending and Day Centre.

Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northamptonshire/
Phone: 01536 310072
Email: access@ageuknorthants.org.uk


Sketching breakfast at Kino Lounge, second Tuesday of the month

See Facebook page for latest info: https://www.facebook.com/KDAS1905/

At a Loss

Connecting you to local bereavement services. Bereavement live chat.

Website: https://www.ataloss.org/ Live chat: https://www.ataloss.org/live-chat

Averil Phillips

Free bereavement services for customers

Website: https://averilphillips.co.uk/resources/free-bereavement-counselling/

Burton Brotherhood

Burton Brotherhood - in-person support & mental wellness for men

Email: michael@pureturtle.co.uk
Link: www.facebook.com/events/345104928006541

Calm Zone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

Live chat support from 5pm-midnight every day. Articles on a range of topics.

Guides: https://www.thecalmzone.net/guide-list

Citizen's Advice

Advice on multiple areas with specialist advice available for issues relating to Housing, Benefits, Debt, UC, Energy and Cost of Living support.

Phone: 01536 482281
Email 24/7:
Call, email or drop-in to make an appointment.

Cocaine Anonymous

In person meetings, every Tuesday

Check for time and location:

C2C - Kettering Women's Centre

Wellbeing, confidence and empowerment courses, trauma courses, 1:1 support, peer mentoring, hot desks, safe space for women.

Phone: 07597 575 988


Behaviour change programme

A programme for individuals who have identified a need to change their abusive or violent behaviours.Self referral or referral via Social Services.

Phone: 01604 230311


Family Support Link

1-1 and group support for adults, young people and children whose lives are impacted by someone else's drug or alcohol use.

Support Helpline: 01933 227078 Available from 10am-2pm Mon-Fri
General Enquiries: 01933 224632
Email: contactus@family-supportlink.co.uk
Website: https://familysupportlink.co.uk/

Groundwork / The Green Patch

Beautiful space to access with community garden, chickens, rabbits, free yoga, wellbeing walks, free Tai Chi, workshops.

Location: Valley Walk, Kettering, United Kingdom
Link for up-to-date times: https://www.facebook.com/TheGreenPatchKettering

Johnny's Happy Place

Community Café, creative sessions, free groceries, free counselling, arts group, writing group, community gardening.

Location: 97 Rockingham Road, Keystone Centre, Kettering NN16 9HX
Open 10am-2pm, Sat & Sunday
Link: www.johnnyshappyplace.com

Kelly's Heroes

Suicide prevention support and counselling. Live chat 6-9pm every day. Mental Health First Aid, suicide prevention and self-harm awareness training.

Website: www.kellysheroes.org.uk

Email: hello@kellysheroes.org.uk

Phone: 0800 0025 400

Training: https://wemindandkellymatters.org.uk/services/education/our-training/

Kettering Complementary Therapy

Support maintaining mental and physical wellness, talks workshops taster sessions. Monthly meet ups.

For further information, contact:

Chris 07791580218

Barb 07748591065

KCU (Kettering Community Unit)

Befriending and mentoring services, free clothing and furniture, personal development courses, volunteer placements.

For education / training or general enquiries email kcu@kcultd.org.uk or call 01536 481989.
Website: https://kcultd.org.uk/

Kettering Library

Free activities for families

Free use of computers

Free warm space to use

Health and Wellbeing days

Location: Sheep Street, Kettering
Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm
Saturday, 9am-5pm

Website: https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/list-libraries/kettering-library

Kettering Nature

Free to attend nature events. Wildlife surveying, bat walks, nature walks.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ketteringnaturegroup

Kettering Refugee Assistance

Support for refugees and asylum seekers. Volunteer group offering support learning English and settling in locally.

Also try the Resettlement Team at the council.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ketteringrefugeeassistance

Council Resettlement Team: resettlement@northnorthants.gov.uk

Kettering Street Pastors

Practical, emotional and spiritual support on Saturday nights in Kettering town centre

Every Saturday, and the last Friday of the month (payday) 11pm-3am

The Loss Foundation

The UK's only charity to specialise solely in supporting those who lose a loved one to cancer.

Call: 0300 200 4112 - (Office hours)

Email - hello@thelossfoundation.org

Facebook - thelossfoundation https://www.facebook.com/thelossfoundation

Twitter - thelossfoundation - https://x.com/LossFoundation

Instagram - thelossfoundation https://www.instagram.com/thelossfoundation/

partner loss to cancer - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1050750619395675

parent loss to cancer - https://www.facebook.com/groups/487786785950335

MIND Kettering

Crisis Cafe - drop ins. Wellness courses, peer support, pottery, Menopause Support Group, community visits, 1:1 sessions.'

Location: 49-51 Russell Street, Kettering, NN16 0EN
Crisis Cafe: 11:00 - 22:00, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday

Office & Phone Line: 09:00 - 16:30, Weekdays: 01536 523216

Email: info@ketteringmind.org.uk

See more on their website:: https://ketteringmind.org.uk/support-and-services/

Narcotics Anonymous

Help for anyone with a problem with any substance/ drug. Speak to people who understand and can help you.

Help Line (in confidence) 0300 999 1212 10am-12 midnight.

For meetings please visit https://meetings.ukna.org/meeting/search

Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service.

24/7 helpline for women, men and children affected from the trauma of domestic abuse.

Referrals can be made by individuals or professionals.

24/7 Helpline: 03000 120154 (in an emergency call 999)


Email: advice@ndas-org.co.uk

NHS referral - go to your doctor

24/7 mental health helpline.

Go to your GP to get referred for counselling.

Adult mental health 24/7 helpline: 0800 448 0828

Under 18 mental health helpline: 0800 170 7055

NHFT website: https://www.nhft.nhs.uk/

Northamptonshire Rape Crisis

Specialist trauma informed sexual violence counselling

Emotional support

Information and Advocacy

Services are available to anyone aged 14+ who has experienced sexual violence, rape or childhood sexual abuse

Self- referrals and/or professional referrals received online / via phone


Independent Sexual Violence Advisor – provides information and advocacy, supporting to understand the criminal justice process

Contact number: 01604 250721

Call to self-refer or make a referral, or to get information on other services.


0300 222 5930 helpline is open 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday

Northamptonshire Rights and Equalities Council

Discrimination help in the workplace or

applying for a job

Mental health discrimination help

Hate crime and impacts on mental health

Creative activities supporting those who are a target of hate

01604 400808 / 07393191482


Contact via social media:


Picture the Difference (PtD)

PtD is a creative and performing arts organisation for children and young adults with additional needs. We co-produce purposeful community outcomes on relatable social themes, that allow those involved to develop their creative skills, personal qualities and to showcase their work. We encourage independence and employability skills by supporting individuals to share a skill, volunteer, develop their own arts projects and to maybe become a PtD Arts Leader.

Our core values recognise that for wellbeing and happiness, it is important for people to find their place, purpose and a way to participate in their community.

All referrals via website: https://linktr.ee/picthediff

Or email Zoe Martin: admin@picthediff.com

Mobile: 07947575190

Schools' Programme: speak to your school SEN Coordinator for referral.

Location: The William Knibb Centre, Montagu Street, Kettering, NN16 8AE

Monday Night social group 7.30pm-9.30pm (teen & young adults) Traditional painting & drawing (local artist);band rehearsal; music production; board games/video games; pool; drama games)

Try-it Tuesdays (young adults - limited, bookable spaces)
1pm-3pm Chronicles journey adventure in a D&D style

Wednesdays - PtD on Stage 10am-3pm (young adults) script writing, music & prop making for community performances.

PtD Schools' Programme 10am-3pm:

Thursdays - KS3 students
Fridays -
KS4 students

Samaritans (Kettering)

24/7 helpline for support

Location: 111 Montagu Street

Kettering NN16 8XL

Call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.uk (reply may take a few days).

Website: www.samaritans.org/branches/kettering/


24/7 texting service for mental health support

Text: 85258

Website: https://giveusashout.org/

Substance to Solution (S2S)

Support for those having issues with drugs and alcohol. 1:1's,

peer lead groups, workshops.

Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/substance-to-solution-northamptonshire/kettering

TALK (Men's online support in Kettering)

Online men's support & mental wellness

Contact for latest details: https://www.instagram.com/jamesgarside/

Voice Northants

Support for victims of a crime.

Call: 0300 303 1965
Email: info@voicenorthants.org Website: www.voicenorthants.org/

Youth Works

Youth counselling and emotional wellbeing support (ages 11 - 18), wellbeing drop-in wellbeing, activities for young people (see website).

Location: Keystone Centre, 97 Rockingham Rd, Kettering NN16 9HX
Tel: 01536 518339
Email : enquiries@youthworksnorthamptonshire.org.uk
Website: www.youthworksnorthamptonshire.org.uk

Drop in support information: www.youthworksnorthamptonshire.org.uk/counselling/drop-in-support-and-sexual-health-service/

Activities: Youth Groups & Activities « Youth Works Northamptonshire

Support for Veterans and service personnel

Defense Medical Welfare Service provides independent and confidential support for the armed forces community. They are there for you whether you are currently serving in the armed forces, a reservist or a veteran.

Their support is

- confidential and discreet

- tailored and personal to you

- one to one and unlimited

- face to face or over the phone

They help with healthcare concerns, isolation and loneliness, money or housing worries, drug or alcohol issues, family problems or anything else you would like support with


email - referrals@dmws.org.uk

phone 0300 9993697


Voice Northants

Kelly's Heroes

Last updated: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 16:53