Environmental Grants

Do yo you have an idea to boost wildlife in Kettering or increase biodiversity?
We have brought two funds together to create a pot of £8,000.
This fund is intended to improve the environment and support more biodiversity and wildlife. There are two categories for entry:
- very local projects which can attract a grant of between £250 and £1,000
- town wide projects which can attract a grant of between £1,000 and £3,000
Applications will open on Tuesday 1 October and close on Saturday 30 November. Councillors aim to make a decision on Wednesday 22 January and pay grants by the end of February 2025.
Apply for an environmental grant
Love Wildlife Competition
Find out more about the winners of the Love Wildlife competition and the details of all the successful projects.
Helping the planet, helping our community - a sustainable future for Kettering
Our policies
Kettering Town Council has declared a climate emergency, in recognition of the harm being down to the planet by human activity, and wants to contribute as positively as it can to measures which protect the environment and people, and which also can support the local economy. It has established a climate change working group, which is exploring ways of encouraging and supporting sustainable habits and opportunities for local people – it is currently prioritising widening the scope and opportunities for recycling and supporting more tree planting. Anyone is welcome to attend the working group to feed in or offer feedback direct to the council by emailing: clerk@ketteringtowncouncil.gov.uk.
The Council's relevant policies are:
- The Council will continue to expect high sustainable standards, improved energy and water use and insultation standards when responding to planning application consultations; it will oppose applications which unsustainably reduce or do not replace natural habitat or damage water courses, or which do not seek to optimise the use of public transport, walking and cycling as means of travel.
- The Council will, within its own remit, strive to protect, restore and enhance our local biodiversity and the natural world that surrounds us and of which we are all a part.
- The Council will support the development of walking and cycling infrastructure and the growth of public transport.
- The Council should be a paperless organization for most purposes.
Advice and support
The pages within this section of the website are intended to help people to be as sustainable as they wish to be, providing advice, links to other sources of help and advice, and to other websites.
There are six parts within this section of the website. The Council will be adding to these pages over time, so keep checking back.
Councillors' responsibilites
The Council recognises the importance of education and information sharing and are committed to collating and promoting information on key sustainability topics via this Sustainability Hub. Councillors also recognise that they don't have all the answers and invite support and collaboration from members of the public to make this resource as useful as possible
Councillors' Commitments
Kettering Town Councillors have committed themselves as follows:
- To pledge to make at least one green 'Switch' in response to COP26 in their personal activities.
- To becoming trained in Carbon Literacy, to enhance our knowledge of climate change so we are fully equipped to tackle the challenges ahead
Councillors pledges are set out in the document below.
Councillors Pledges to be More Green (PDF, 125 Kb)
Councillors Pledges to be More Green