Private vehicles, cars and motorcycles

Private vehicles are a convenient form of transport for their owners, however, they make a significant contribution to noise, pollution, road congestion, blocking of pedestrian routes and climate change emissions. We would encourage people to always try to use active travel methods or public transport when and wherever possible.
Vehicle sharing
Vehicle sharing is a useful travel option for friends, family and colleagues travelling together to save money and lower their carbon footprints. The term is frequently used for 'ridesharing' or 'car-pooling' - drivers give a lift to others who might otherwise drive themselves or use an alternative means of transport.
Car sharing schemes | Northamptonshire County Council (
Vehicle hire
Car Clubs provide a convenient, hassle-free, environmentally friendly alternative to private car ownership. This is because car club members only pay per hour and don't have to worry about tax, insurance, parking permits, servicing or repairs. There are none of the hassles of owning and maintaining a car.
Car Clubs | Northamptonshire County Council (
Mobile device app based car hire services and clubs are available. You can access vehicles across the UK, picking it up from a convenient street, train station, car park or the organisations depots. These cars include electric and hybrid models. Such services are provided by
A directory of car parks in Kettering can be found on NNC's website:
Information on parking permit schemes, enforcement and other services can be found at: