12th February 2025

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Search Kettering Town Council

The Council

Kettering Town Council boundary map - click on the map for a full-size version

Kettering Town Council boundary map - click on the map for a full-size version

Kettering Town Council a parish council set up in 2021 after local government reorganisation. We have 20 elected councillors who decide what we do and what we spend. The Council elects a Mayor each year from amongst the councillors. The next elections are on Thursday 1 May 2025.

Our decisions are made at public meetings, which are open for everyone to come to.

The council is responsible for a range of local services and activities - most council services are provided by North Northamptonshire Council - the unitary authority.

Kettering Town Council currently runs events, such as Remembrance Day, Christmas markets and Bands in the Park, general and specialist markets, allotments, provides grants to local groups, Kettering Charities, the town lottery to raise money for good causes, installs speed warning devices, works to improve biodiversity and tackle climate change, supports the Headlands Neighbourhood Plan, has funding to improve local infrastructure such as bleed kits and represents local interests by having a democratic voice in local decision making.

The council office is located at 10 Headlands - see our contact page to get in touch. For further information relating to the services offered by the Town Council please contact the Town Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Key contacts

Town Clerk

Martin Hammond

01536 697490

Emma Dezelu

Deputy Clerk

01536 697492

Last updated: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 11:50