22nd October 2024

Search Kettering Town Council

Neighbourhood Plans

The Town Council is responsible for submitting to the local planning authority any Neighbourhood Plans covering all or part of the Council's area. Neighbourhood Plans are drawn up by residents, with advice from planning officers, and are a formal planning document which the planning authority must have regard to when determining planning applications. There is a formal adoption route which must be followed.

Currently, there is one Neighbourhood Plan going through the adoption process, - the South West Kettering (Headlands area) Plan. Please see the planning section on this website for more information

Planning Applications

North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is the local Planning Authority and they have full powers when considering planning applications.

Kettering Town Council is consulted on all applications falling within the town boundary. These are considered at the Town Council's Planning Committee which is usually held monthly. This committee considers the larger applications and makes its comments to NNC. They may take them on board or disregard as they see fit.

The categories of application that the committee will consider are

- major applications

- minor applications

- listed building applications

This generally means "other " applications - for example, smaller house extensions, are not considered by the Town Council unless there is a local concern about one.

Members of the public are entitled to attend our Planning Meetings and the Chairman will normally allow them to speak.


Last updated: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 15:53