In accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code, the Council is publishing this list of all non salary related payments made for supplies and services. Summaries of salary costs can be seen within the monthly budget monitoring statements and in the annual budget- both above
Expenditure by KTC on supplies and services - all items 2021-2022 (Excel Spreadsheet, 24 Kb)
Expenditure by KTC on supplies and services - all non salary-related payments made in the 2021-2022 financial year
Expenditure on supplies and services - all items over £10 2022-2023 financial year (PDF, 97 Kb)
Expenditure by KTC on non salary supplies and services - all items over £10 - for 2022-23 financial year
Expenditure on supplies and services - all items 2023-2024 financial year (PDF, 134 Kb)
Expenditure by KTC on non salary supplies and services - all items over £1 - for 2023-24 financial year